Little Weavings

Some colorful experiments on my smallest loom…

Albers color experiment .jpeg

This little tapestry, woven on my Mirrix Saffron loom is the beginning of a series exploring color interactions inspired by Josef Albers’ book Interaction of Color.. There is a wonderful iOS app that was released several years ago in honor of the original publication. It contains the complete text of the original book as well as a great collection of interactive demonstrations allowing you to try out your own color ideas.

This little weaving is intended to show that one color will appear to be quite different depending on its surroundings. I don’t know if it will be visible to you on your screen, but in natural light the color on the right appears to be noticeably darker than the one on the left, even though both came from the same ball of yarn. Like most of the yarns I use in my tapestries, these were all hand-dyed using natural dyes.